Transform the Turf is a campaign created by Reno Continental Little League.
RCLL is raising funds to replace the infield turf on our major’s field at Jack Tighe Stadium.
Jack Tighe is one of the oldest Little League ball parks in Reno and one of the few baseball fields in Northern Nevada dedicated to youth sports that has a turf infield. After thousands of young athletes having played countless games over the last 10 years, the surface that has an 8 year life span is showing it’s age. There are sections of the infield where the turf is completely worn through exposing the dirt and rocks. Not only has it become a less than ideal playing surface, it is going to turn into a safety concern for our kids soon. The RCLL board has weighed many options including, returning the field to grass and dirt. The additional water consumption to maintain a grass infield, having to involve the city, as well as several other factors have led us to the decision that replacing the turf is best for all parties involved. We have received numerous bid proposals for the removal of the existing turf, re-grading and leveling, 11,909 square feet of synthetic turf in two colors, and installation on the Major/Minor field #1. We are in the process of finalizing a contract, but we need your help.
RCLL’s Transform the Turf campaign is seeking to raise $125,000 to fund the purchase and installation of new infield turf and other facility upgrades to start the 2022 spring season.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity in considering to donate the funds needed that allows our youth here in Northern Nevada to have a safe and adequate place to learn and play baseball.
Transform the Turf GoFundMe